Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Learning Curve: Everything Takes Longer Than You Might Think!

Dan Bensimhon, a local cardiologist, spoke to SOAR on December 11. Halfway through his undergraduate work at Duke, he switched from Pre-Med to Journalism as a major. He wrote about men's cycling and running, working for Men's Health and Rolling Stone magazines. Eventually, he went to medical school, moonlighting to cover night shifts for other doctors. This evolved into a business, as he began managing all of the "moonlighters" and setting them up with doctors to cover their shifts.

Dan told the eighth graders about needing a business plan, a loan and some help to start his business. He called a lawyer to get some pointers and quickly learned that everything takes longer than one might think - and more money! He explained about loans, venture capitalists (who own part of your business) and taking control of your own company. Dan advised students to retain as much of the company equity as possible, so that you have more to give away at a later stage.

He told the eighth grade to always ask questions, to take advice from those who know more than you do and to make sure that any partner can do his or her job before giving him or her a portion of your business. Dan also explained the need to anticipate by hiring ahead of growth - to be proactive in growing your business.

Dan noted that while people start businesses to make money, he feels good about helping other cardiologists and making a difference by giving back to the community.

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