Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why I Do What I Do

Jill Wilson, a local attorney for Brooks Pierce and Gail LeBauer, a psychiatric nurse, spoke to SOAR this morning about their professions. Jill, who always liked to read, became a lawyer because lawyers solve problems using written materials. Gail, always curious about the workings of the mind, went to nursing school, became a psychiatric nurse and practices as a therapist.

Jill explained constitutional rights, fundamental rights and how these play out at schools. "Lawyers," Jill said, "balance interests when they collide." She shared her favorite line from the Tinker case, "Students don't leave their constitutional rights at the school house gate," in the process of explaining how Supreme Court decisions rely on precedents set by previous cases. Students discussed a specific case regarding freedom of speech in the school environment.

Gail explained concepts of behavior modification and motivation, from smiley faces in early grades to "great job" in middle school. She told students that they need to know professional standards of appropriate behavior in whatever professions they choose, talked about "time outs for grownups" and oppositional behavior. The session concluded with Gail leading a short Channukah-themed meditation.

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